The “Thanksgiving Creep”

This recent trend of earlier opening hours, now termed the “Thanksgiving Creep”, should make all of us reflect on what this says about our values and priorities. As Thanksgiving Creep cuts its way through family dinners and gatherings, Thanksgiving no longer becomes about giving “thanks” or spending time with loved ones, it becomes first about hunting for the best deals of the holiday sales.

7 Steps: HOW TO make a du’aa list

They say that the last two minutes before iftaar is one of the craziest. It’s when we are quickly frying the last pakoraas or frantically searching for the dates in the fridge or staring at the plate of food in front of us while we wait for the exact second it officially becomes maghrib. Those last couple of minutes are wasted in acts like these and show us how we foolishly overlook one of the major blessings of Ramadan.