“So…I’m a convert. A little help please?”

There was something special about the night my friend took her shahada (declaration of faith). I remember it was after praying ‘isha (the night prayer) when the imam announced the news to the congregation; I cried as the whole masjid erupted in takbeers (Allahu akbar) to praise Allah and welcome a new member to our community. That night, I felt the support of community. I felt peace from Allah.

7 Steps: HOW TO make a du’aa list

They say that the last two minutes before iftaar is one of the craziest. It’s when we are quickly frying the last pakoraas or frantically searching for the dates in the fridge or staring at the plate of food in front of us while we wait for the exact second it officially becomes maghrib. Those last couple of minutes are wasted in acts like these and show us how we foolishly overlook one of the major blessings of Ramadan.

Muslims Running for Office

All over the United States Muslims are becoming more engaged in the American political process. Many have begun to run for elected offices and many are winning too. Such Muslims include a New Jersey mayor, state representatives in North Carolina, New Hampshire, Iowa, Maryland and Missouri as well as congressmen in Minnesota and Indiana. Chicago’s…