The Waves of Revolution

February 11, 2011. Crowds in Tahrir Square erupt in celebration. “Egypt is free, Egypt is free,” they exclaim. In Tunisia, it takes one man to douse himself in gasoline to strike the powerful match of revolution. In Egypt, it takes the will power of millions and the brutal dictatorship of one man to ripple in…


Relieved by the end of my first round of midterms, I open the web browser, instinctively navigating to the CNN homepage. There it is: a painful, daunting headline. Come on, this can’t be happening. Please tell me it isn’t true, but I guess disappointment is my forte. “Teenage suicide bomber kills at least 27 in…

The “Pharaohs” of Our Time

The most mentioned antagonist in the Holy Qur’an is Pharaoh. About him, Allah (swt) says in the Qur’an: …surely he was arrogant, one of the extravagant (44:31). However, the discussion of Pharaoh within the Qur’an is not a mere historical account; instead, it serves as an educational tool in which human beings can ascertain a…

A New Egypt?

Yes, it is time for Mubarak to go. And the people of Egypt not only want to make sure Mubarak makes his exit from Egypt, but for his entire regime to leave.  As the Egyptian government has shut down all internet and social media services, limited cellular and SMS/text messaging communication, and tried to limit…