Cascading Down

Down the bleak cascade,  I see something wither,  Smaller and Smaller,  It comes and goes past  Down the hurricane, As time flows,  Nothing remains constant.  I feel as if the world is something similar,  Nothing remains as is,  Everything shifts,  And with time comes becomes bright again,  Hope I see something another,  Until then,  All…


Life crumbles every day,  Maybe for a second or a year,  No hope to be seen from afar. I can’t see anything,  I try to,  But I can’t.  My hope crumbles  As I lose everything. My family, my dreams, my desires,  All of them are broken,  Crumbled to the floor one by one.  If only…


Drowning By Umiemah Farrukh I know what it’s like to drown. It’s embedded in my mind clear as day I got shoved into the deep end by some kids at the pool I can still hear their laughter in my head,  reveling in their cruel, beautiful joke.  I remember the splash my body made as…

Underneath The Rubble

Underneath The Rubble by Umiemah Farrukh Underneath the rubble he cried out for his mother  Somewhere between this world and the hereafter Is where he’d find her next  Underneath the rubble a key, a dress, a wedding picture buried deep in the sand.  How was her life this easily swept away  when the earth decided…