Imam Rauf: What is Right with Islam
Imam Rauf, the founder of the Cordoba Initiative and Park51 center speaks on compassion and what unites all of humanity.
Imam Rauf, the founder of the Cordoba Initiative and Park51 center speaks on compassion and what unites all of humanity.
On August 7-11, eight prominent Muslim American imams and community leaders partook in a historic trip to two Holocaust camps, Dachau and Auschwitz. New Jersey Rabbi Jack Bemporad said the purpose of this trip was meant “to combat the rise in Holocaust denial that has popped up in various Muslim and non-Muslim circles around the…
In August of 2009, 63% of Americans polled said that the U.S. does need to support Israel. In June of this year, 58% of respondents shared the same view; by July only 51% of respondents said the U.S. needed to support Israel. Only 19% of German respondents said they felt “warm” or “very warm” feelings…
“I’m surprised at the way that politics is being played in 2010. There are issues that are affecting our country which are real issues: unemployment, poverty, the economy, and it’s a really sad day for America when our politicians choose to look at a constitutional right and use that as basis for elections.” Watch the…,0,5537139.story Looks to be another casualty in the war against Civil Rights. Boudlal informed her supervisor she wanted to wear the hijab and they said they would check with corporate, but she never received a response. Later on, Disney’s costume department went as far as fitting her for a hijab designed to work with her costume, but…
The grave news from Pakistan emerged last week with the devastating flooding. The death toll has now reached over 1,500. There are shortages of food, water, clothing, shelter, and supplies and, yet, the water continues to rise in the region. In Punjab, 15,000 homes have already been destroyed, leaving what is to be called “a…
Original article can be found here. ACTION ALERT (BAY AREA 06/30/2010) – Sen. Tony Strickland, R-Thousand Oaks, introduced Senate Concurrent Resolution 117, which declares California’s support of Israel’s deadly May 31 attack on the Freedom Flotilla. The bill also affirms the state’s support of Israel’s siege on Gaza and its “right to protect and defend itself.”…