Clean Water Disparities

Water is an important resource. It’s used for wudu in Islam, baptism in Christianity, ritual washing in Judaism, and spiritual rebirth in Hinduism. In all world religions, water is essential. It is an entity of cleanliness and purification. However, today, many countries with minority populations lack access to clean water. With water pollution affecting irrigated…

The World Is On Fire

The world is on fire,The smoke snaking in my ears.It met the swirling air within,The antithesis of dripping tears. The contrast flares high,For both require attention.The smudged lens feels cracked,Lacking resolution. Politics shackled my mind,Imprisoning naïve idealism.Communication is the key,Instead of barred skepticism. Yet we can take small steps,Set achievable goals.The world may be large,But…

The New Faces of Congress

On Jan 3, 2018 the history of the U.S Congress changed forever as the swearing in ceremonies for the 116th House of Representatives commenced. In the sea of representatives that has more female representatives than ever, two women stood out to me as trailblazers for Muslims and women in politics. With backgrounds similar to many…

Rethinking Tolerance in Islam After the Assassination of Jamal Khashoggi

“We die once, but we revive a thousand times” Turkish Proverb Photo by Ibrahim Kalın (Turkish President’s Spokesman and Chief Advisor(1)) Jamal Khashoggi, a Saudi Arabian Washington Post journalist, disappeared after he entered the Saudi Arabian Consulate in Istanbul on October 2, 2018. After several days filled with conspiracy theories, on the 23th of October,…