Why it Simply Sucks to be a Bosnian in a Western Muslim Community: Genocide, Rape, and Approaching Community Politics

February 16,  21 years after the independence of Bosnia in the bloody genocide where Chetnik Serbs slaughtered women, men, and children for the sake of the “Greater Serbia,” the first Bosnian was registered as a Bosnian. The number of tweets about this: not enough to make it trending or show up. Number of Facebook posts…

Editorial: Islamophobia, Intimidation and other distractions at USAC Divestment meeting

Correction: The original version of this article contained an error and has been changed. UCLA Iranian Student Group neither supports nor opposes the divestment resolution On Feb. 26, USAC voted 5-7-0 against “A Resolution to Divest from Companies that Violate Palestinian Human Rights” brought forth by Students for Justice in Palestine (SJP). The bill, sponsored…