
Everyone that knows me knows that I have a deep fondness for cats. I am currently the proud pet owner of three cats, Ginger, Simba, and Leila. I have had pet cats for many years, and it has been a wonderful experience so far. There are endless reasons as to why I love cats. Not…


“How goes your Hajj prep?” It was a week before my family and I left for our journey to the Holy Land. Although Hajj was not until the ninth of Dhul Hijjah, we had to get there a week in advance to perform umrah, visit Masjid Al-Nabi, and prep ourselves physically and spiritually. Hajj is…

From Social Justice to Social Mercy: A Commentary on the Khutbah of Imam Zaid Shakir

Among the most beautiful, intrinsic elements of our Islamic tradition is the commitment to social justice. Islam came at a time where deep societal injustices were prominent, and our beloved messenger Muhammad (pbuh) challenged these ills and spread the goodness of God’s message to rectify and transform society. Social justice is inseparable from Islam, and…