The Rise of a Digital World: Technology Through the Lens of Islam

The Rise of a Digital World: Technology Through the Lens of Islam Written By: Konmal Ali Graphic By: Syaal Sharifzad Technology continues to reshape the lifestyles of individuals across the globe. It has created opportunities for adequate access to information and bridging community gaps. The rise of a digitized world with almost everything accessible with…

Expensive Monotony

I wake up five minutes before class,no need to look nice,no one turns on their camera anyway,which is fine,because I went to collegeto have the same exact life from high school. same exact friendssame exact interestssame exact responsibilitiessame. exact. routine. I went to club meetingsbut I guess the lack of motivation is widespreadbecause there were…

See You Online

Since the beginning of Fall quarter, many students of the MSA at UCLA looked forward to the numerous events held during the Spring quarter. Some of these events included Ramadan, Islam Awareness Week, Spring Forward, College Day, and the End of the Year Banquet. Despite fundraising for months and holding numerous preparation meetings, all of…

Under Pressure

As the end of the quarter creeps closer and closer, the pressure to do well and finish the quarter strong increases. We all may have different motives that encourage us to do the best we possibly can on our upcoming exams, but a common one within our community is the pressure from our beloved parents.…

Rethinking the Curve

During the season of finals, curves and grade deflation become a hot topic. A curve is a type of grading system that professors use in order to make the grade distribution follow a bell curve. A curve has the potential to lower a student’s grade depending on their performance relative to their classmates. For instance,…