Help a Sister Make a Difference in India
After seeing firsthand the effects of poverty in India two years ago, it became first year Biology major, Sarah Rahman’s dream to return one day and make a difference in her homeland.
After seeing firsthand the effects of poverty in India two years ago, it became first year Biology major, Sarah Rahman’s dream to return one day and make a difference in her homeland.
Spanning sub-Saharan Africa, South Asia, and the Middle East, Kristof and WuDunn encapsulate the struggles of these few individuals to represent all of the nameless women in the world who endure oppression through means of rape, violence, abduction, sex trafficking, and social ostracism from obscene medical conditions.
After the Muslim conquest of the Iberian Peninsula, the Muslims very quickly consolidated their newly acquired territory by effectively integrating the indigenous Spanish population. Naturally, by means of trans-cultural diffusion, the indigenous Spaniards inclined towards the culture of the Arabs and became known as Mozarabs. While maintaining their creed, the Mozarabs absorbed the dress, language, and culture of the Muslims.
Putting together a modest business outfit is a problem many Muslim women face. Here are some tips Muslim students and professionals have shared to help dress modestly yet professionally for interviews, career fairs, work and other business-related events.
As we enter into the furious storm of Midterms, Papers, and Projects known innocently as Weeks 4, 5, and 6, I’d like to give everyone a small piece of advice.
Those of us living in First World countries won’t really ponder too much on where our water comes from or how much there is to go around. We believe that as long as the water bills are paid, our faucets will continue to provide us with this basic necessity at our demand.
The drive up to Camp Fred Miller is a long, slow uphill trudge. You wind through the hills of Malibu, going higher and higher until the neighborhoods below you look like plots of land and grass nestled in the mouth of one giant valley. When you get to Camp Miller and step out of the car, you notice two things.
Al-Talib interviews two Muslim students from UCLA on what they think of TLC’s show “All-American Muslim”.
Inspired from my previous experience at the “Lunar-Dharmacakra Mixer,” I was fired up and blazed to attend the Muslim Union’s next event where Muslims met with the Hindu Students Association at the Hindu-Muslim mixer. I took the liberty of dubbing this mixer “Forum of the Falasifa Pandits.” This, like the last Mixer’s name , has a deeper meaning attached to it.
As Eid al-Adha fell on a Sunday this year, many students spent time with family and friends to celebrate this blessed religious holiday. Eid mubarak readers!