Have you already forgotten?

Have you already forgotten about the death of innocent Aya?19 years of life ended in cold blood So our ummah donated without having to be nudged Only until her Shia identity was revealed And people’s true colors were no longer concealed Wanting their donations refunded Their minds have been utterly corrupted Believing Shia is not included in our ummah Forgetting our beloved…

Ramadan Remembrance

We rose before the sun,Tired eyes, filled mouths,And before the dawn splinteredProstration’s patience began. A day with no food,A day without water,But with the sun’s journeyWas also the soul’s. A physical deprivationBut with spiritual sustenance,As the sounds of recitationFilled the open air. This year was slightly different,Isolated at home,Missing the comforting smiles,The community. Taraweeh at…

See You Online

Since the beginning of Fall quarter, many students of the MSA at UCLA looked forward to the numerous events held during the Spring quarter. Some of these events included Ramadan, Islam Awareness Week, Spring Forward, College Day, and the End of the Year Banquet. Despite fundraising for months and holding numerous preparation meetings, all of…

COVID-19: The Digital Inequities Beyond Our Pandemic

COVID-19 does not care about inequity, and neither does society. The COVID-19 outbreak is altering our approach to education. Students are quarantining at home and undergoing virtual instruction through Zoom, all while universities prepare for future decisions, including but not limited to: refunding students for university housing, organizing online summer sessions, easing college admissions requirements,…

Clean Water Disparities

Water is an important resource. It’s used for wudu in Islam, baptism in Christianity, ritual washing in Judaism, and spiritual rebirth in Hinduism. In all world religions, water is essential. It is an entity of cleanliness and purification. However, today, many countries with minority populations lack access to clean water. With water pollution affecting irrigated…