Medical Unity or Apartheid?

Within just the past couple of weeks, the Covid-19 pandemic has rapidly transitioned into a Covid nightmare. While Americans continue to celebrate after successful vaccine distributions, devastated families in India mourn the countless loved ones taken from them by a ruthless virus. The devastated country’s second coronavirus wave is shattering world records, producing over 300,000…

Except for Palestine

In the wake of violent settler colonialism in Palestine, international support has become evermore essential in protecting Palestinian families from further encroachment upon basic human rights. However, with polarized politics and religious zeal involved, a considerable number of people — even progressively-minded individuals — have attempted to make unifying remarks to acknowledge the atrocities while…

The Price of Fast Fashion

Fashion can be very overwhelming, especially in an age of overconsumption and constantly changing trends. The fast fashion industry thrives off unhealthy shopping habits, and because many of us cannot or do not want to spend too much on clothes, price usually comes before anything else. When price is the determining factor of where we…